Quality Education at Cadet College Sanghar is based upon the standards of ISO 9001:2008 adopted to fulfill the requirements of BISE Mirpurkhas through the best usage of all possible resources.
The management of Cadet College Sanghar is committed to quality education system based on ISO 9001:2008. Quality Assurance Standards along with a suitable organization that facilitates the training related process, control and distribution of documents and ensure quality of the training services. The Commandant / Principal of Cadet College Sanghar ensures that requirements of Quality Policy are met. All the possible efforts have been made to provide a broader indepth academic background to the young cadets to ensure theoretical and practical knowledge in various disciplines being taught in the college. Special emphasis is laid on the contact / credit hours. However, training system is always changed from time to time to meet the ISO 9001:2008 requirements. Teaching faculty is totally devoted and committed to follow the new scheme of training. Newly introduced training system has produced fruitful results in the shortest possible time.
For the management, performance of work and verification of quality related activities the Commandant / Principal is committed to provide following resources: a. Dedicated Quality Management Teams (QMT). b. Adequate number of experienced, trained and motivated personnel i.e. Professors, Lecturers, Instructors etc. c. Suitable and relevant training materials / services including all facilities, necessary e.g. laboratory equipment and tools to ensure compliance of all specified training related requirements. d. Well-designed examinations and evaluation tools and techniques to control training process. e. Inspections, tests, examinations and evaluation documents / tools. f. Training materials and support services of requisite quality. g. Adequate time and schedule of events, for the conduct of specified training courses and examination activities.
To inculcate in cadets the habit of reading and learning regularly, surprise tests are conducted and examinations are held on regular basis. This is one of the means of evaluating the progress of gaining knowledge by the cadets. SURPRISE TESTS: At any time the Commandant / Principal, and VP / DOS can check the cadets’ academics progress through Surprise Tests. Results of such tests are properly maintained and necessary instructions are issued on the basis of results. MONTHLY EXAMINATION: Monthly Examination of short duration is held on completion of first month. This is to ensure the habit of regular studies in the Divisions by cadets and to evaluate their progress at every stage. MID–TERM EXAMINATION: Cadets have to appear in this examination in the mid of each term. TERMINAL EXAMINATION: On the completion of half year, this examination is held. Question papers encompass all the courses covered by then. PRE–BOARD EXAMINATION: Pre–Board Examinations from IX-Class to XII-Class are held 3 to 4 weeks before final Board Examinations, i.e. upon completion of all syllabi. The question papers are set on Board pattern to help the students in the preparation of their Board Examinations. ANNUAL EXAMINATION: At the end of each academic year, Annual Examination is held for class VIII. Successful cadets are promoted to the class IX. Cadets of other classes appear in their respective Board Examinations. CONTROL PROCEDURE: Inspection of examination procedure for conducting examinations and equipments in the laboratories for enhancing practical, are to meet the following requirements: a. Documented evidence of checking of questions in terms of accuracy and perfection in accordance with laid down verification procedures by the Group Officer / Officer Incharge before use. b. Documented evidence of checking by VP/DOS that examination papers / material / laboratory equipments are appropriate, complete and accurate. c. VP/DOS verifies marking scheme developed for its proper apportion. d. Examination papers are confidentially scrutinized and stored in the restricted area, under the control of OI/C Examinations. e. Record of proper handling, storage and usage of laboratory equipment is maintained / ensured. The Lab Incharge maintains a master list of equipments reflecting their proper serviceability and status at all times. f. All examinations related materials are safeguarded by OI/C Examination / Instructors, to avoid any unauthorized access or leakage of information.